Review 2024- The Best Free Online Notepad Site!

228 review 2021 - a best free online notepad site

Are you looking for an online notepad that is free for a lifetime and super useful? Then your search ends here; is the ideal notepad site that you must head towards! You may ask why? Because it has cloud storage and reliable security features. Furthermore, you do not even need to login, and there are tons of other features! So, let’s start our review 2024!


What Is The Idea Behind

According to the makers of, the site is made so that people can store and share large amounts of text online with ease. They use several features that make this possible. Let’s discuss them one by one. Review 2024


The Main Features Of

Here are the main features of that make it stand out from so many others.


#1: No need to login into the site!

The first prominent feature has to be that you need not login into the site to create notes. You can just hop onto the site, add your text and make a note.

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However, logging in will allow you to edit or delete your notes. You can organize your notes as well (if you are logged in).


#2: Offers you cloud storage

Secondly, it allows you to store your notes on the cloud. For all those who do not know what that means, your data is stored on the internet. This feature allows you to access it from anywhere and any device. You can access your notes from your friend’s laptop or your mobile or a cyber café for that matter.


#3: Syntax Highlighting has this syntax highlighting feature. It has an array of languages that it can recognize and highlight its syntax for. This feature is great for programmers. Be it any language, eTextPad can help you with it.


#4: Security is a priority with eTextPad

eTextPad understands that security is essential. Thus they have sturdy security features to safeguard your notes. First, they have an option to apply a password that can ensure your note’s safety. Only a person with a password can access your note.

Secondly, they also allow you to encrypt your note. Both these features clubbed together to ensure maximum safety, and you can rest assured that your notes are safe.


#5: You can set the note visibility status as well

You can set the visibility status through the Paste Status option. There are three options when it comes to visibility status- Public, Unlisted, and Private.

Everybody and search engines can see public notes can also index them. Next are unlisted notes. Nobody can see these unless you share the link for it. Lastly, you can add a private note only if you are logged in, and thus it is password-protected.


#6: No Ads!

This last feature is the final dose of features of And yes, it offers all the above features without showing ads. Thus, you can work in peace. No ads will pop up to distract you.

There are a few other features, like organizing the notes, adding a description, setting the note expiry time, and much more.


For Whom Would You Suggest This Website?

Generally speaking, anybody looking to share and store data can use this website. But here are specific use cases where this site can be useful:

  1. Teachers: Teachers often need to share subject notes with their students. This website can be extremely helpful in achieving the task.
  2. Students: Students can make notes over this site and access their notes from anywhere and any device. They can also share the notes with their peers.
  3. Coders: Due to the syntax highlighting feature, coders can also use it to edit or store code snippets. They can be using any language because supports almost all programming languages.

Apart from these three roles, journalists, content writers, etc., will also find this tool useful.


Why Should You Consider Using This Website?

Here are a few reasons why you should give this site a shot.


#1: Fast

The first reason why you should consider using is that it is fast. It loads in a blink of an eye, and any function you do on this site also happens quickly.


#2: Easy Interface

The UI is very self-descriptive. The tool is designed such that it is easy to understand and use. You will understand the tool within 5 minutes of arriving at it.


#3: Prompt Service

If you find any abuse or breaking of DMCA guidelines, you can always write to [email protected]. But the best part is that they reply ASAP. So, you are not alone if you get stuck with an issue.


But Here Are A Few Cons Of Too!

Nothing is perfect. Thus eTextPad also has its cons. Let’s see them one by one:


#1: It does not offer complex features

eTextPad is a relatively simple website, built mainly with an idea to store and share text easily. So, it does great in its own way. But if you are someone who is searching for complex features, then sorry, you will not get them with


#2: The site is available only in English

As for now, i,e. 2024, the site is available only in English. However, you can paste or type any language in the text area.



Long story cut short, it is an excellent notepad if you are looking for something simple yet useful. eTextPad revolves around the idea that text storing and sharing should be a piece of cake, and indeed it achieves that. We highly recommend this online notepad.

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So, this was all in our review. We hope that you liked it and that the article was useful. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please drop them in the comments box. We reply