Mondiad 2024 Review: Push Notification Network

Mondiad 2022 Review, Push Notification Network
Mondiad 2022 Review, Push Notification Network

Push & Native ads? Mondiad got you covered! If you are in need of high-quality, niched traffic, at fair prices or if you are looking to monetize your website, you can count on Mondiad!

Backed by 10 years of experience with popunder network PopCash, Mondiad is a global advertising network specialized in Push and Native ads, designed to skyrocket the ROI of your advertising campaigns and maximize your website`s monetization!



TRAFFIC TYPE ● Mainstream

● Adult

MAIN VERTICALS ● E-commerce offers

● All instals)utilities)

● Nutra

● Dating

● Sweepstakes  

● Casino-Betting



AD FORMATS ● Classic Push

● In-Page Push


Ads straight to the goal!

Classic push ads take no space on your website and bring you recurrent earnings. They are user-friendly, very engaging for every user, highly used for all types of advertising campaigns and are delivered directly to the user’s phone or desktop from everywhere.

In-page push ads have a similar design to classic push notifications but are embedded in your website, acting like banners but looking like notifications. In-page Push ads help you reach visitors across all devices, all OS, and browser types (including iOS) and are more likely to bring earnings faster.

Native ads match the look and feel of the website’s content, and it provides a more fluid user experience.

Also read: 14 Best Native Ad Networks 2024: List of Native Ad Networks

Native’s contextual references offer a higher CTR, and because the user is more engaged, the conversion rate should also be higher. With Mondiad, you are able to use sophisticated targeting to reach only websites relevant to your offer.


3.5+ B
Daily Impressions
5+ M
Daily Clicks


Key Mondiad perks:

  • Self-Served Platform
  • In-house Technology
  • FastApprovals
  • 24/7 Support
  • Powerful API
  • AI-powered System
  • Referral System
  • Multiple Payment/PayoutOptions
  • Downloadable CSV reports
  • 2FA account protection


What`s in it for you as a Mondiad advertiser?​

Get your campaigns up and running in a matter of minutes into one of the most technologically advanced advertising networks. Reach the right audience using the best performance tools and cutting-edge technology that is designed to skyrocket the ROI of your advertising campaigns.

  • Advanced Targeting Options: Target specific audiences for your ads, using advanced filters such as browser, device, connection type, carrier, day parting, daily budget, and many more.
  • Traffic inventory & Bid Estimation: Mondiad traffic covers all GEOs and comes directly from its publishers. Pricing is dynamic and you can choose how much to pay per visitor, having full control over your costs. Based on your targeting, you also can receive biding value recommendations.
  • Traffic Fraud Detection:Mondiad constantly monitors and verifies the quality of each visitor. Antifraud filters will remove  fraudulent activity of any type, by using both internal and third-party tools.
  • Conversion Tracker: Track the performance of your ad campaigns to fine-tune your success. Mondiad comes with several conversion trackers integrated (and other custom integrations) allowing you to track and analyze data like conversions, payout amount, or transaction time, easily, directly in the Mondiad reports.
  • Multiple Creatives: Test multiple creatives within one campaign easily by using our A/B traffic distribution.
  • Bulk ad campaign editing;
  • Multiple Optimization Tools:A Mondiad advertiser can easily perform blacklist/whitelist targeting based on ZoneID and/or SubID and Global Blacklist system.
  • Smart Optimization Rules: Additionally, advertisers may create, as needed, custom optimization rules containing many parameters,, to easily  optimize their ad campaigns and even save them as templates for future use.
  • Create audiencesby SubID or ZoneId.
  • Custom bid for ZoneID, for SubID, and for Countries: Granular bidding for specific ad zones.
  • Built-in Event Tracker: Don`t miss out on the new built-in Event Trackerthat helps you track the performance of the traffic purchased from Mondiad and optimize your campaigns easily, without additional costs.

What`s in it for you as a Mondiad publisher?​

Besides the basic benefits, as a Mondiad publisher, you`ll see complex stats in real-time, customize your ad zones based on your website layout and withdraw your earnings daily, on request.

  • Real-Time Reporting System:Detailed stats are available in real-time with a variety of filters and groupings.
  • Customizable Ad Zones:Publishers can configure your ad placement according to your website`s layout, for the best results.

Payment procedures:

PAYMENT PROCESSORS PayPal, Paxum, Payoneer, Capitalist, Bank Card, Voucher, Cryptocurrencies and others, on demand.
DAILY PAYMENTS Money withdrawals are done by request and fulfilled in an average of 24-48 hours.


Mondiad`s referral system:

With Mondiad`s referral system, you can bring your friends to join Mondiad and earn revenue for this. While your referral`s account remains active,  you earn 5% (up to 1000 dollars) from each advertiser`s spent or publisher`s revenue.

It`s all very simple:
Share your referral link! -> your referral joins Mondiad! -> you earn extra income!

There aren`t any restrictions on the number of referrals you can bring to join Mondiad which is pretty cool in the long term.


Sign-up procedures:

  • Advertisers need just 10 minutes or even less to register an account and launch their first ad campaign. Mondiad provides an intuitive and smart interface and takes care of every detail to make the process of campaign set-up very smooth and fast. If you are looking to create a custom connection with Mondiad, they be happy to provide support with integrated solutions.
  • Optimize the monetization process with state-of-the-art technology and easy integration! In order to start monetizing websites with Mondiad, publishers need to sign up and create an account, submit their website(which is approved very quickly) and place their ad code into their website.


Getting started with Mondiad:

If you are a self-learner that likes to take his time when trying a new product, Mondiad offers quick and helpful answers to its most asked questions and also provides a help-center with step-by-step details on how to use the platform to its full potential.

The support team also moves pretty fast, they are very friendly and willing to help if you have a custom request or any type of inquiry.



Mondiad is very performance-focused, saving you time and helping you do your work quickly and efficiently. It is a safe and innovative self-service ad network worth trying out. It has many unique characteristics which, if set up accordingly, guarantees success for every user. Mondiad is continuously listening to its user base’s feedback and improving the platform on a continuous basis.