Hostgator Web Hosting Review 2024 – Pros & Cons


Hostgator is one of the most interesting and popular companies for hosting in the world. One of the USPs of Hostgator is the fact that it is highly affordable. For every bargain lover, Hostgator is the best cloud host you can get.

Though like every cloud host, there are always an upside and downsides to things. But before leaping ahead, let’s take a step back and understand what Hostgator is.


What is HostGator?

HostGator is a service provider platform that is used to share, and resell. It also creates a virtual private server with dedicated web hosting. It is an amazing service provider of web hosting. That provides a wide range of tools such as website builders for both bloggers and small businesses.


What Features Does Hostgator Have?

HostGator offers a lot of different features which are different from other similar platforms as such.


● Domain Names

The domain names are purchased from HostGator, though they are not one of the leading domain name registrars. Buying a domain of .com  can cost $12.95, now to renew the domain, it will charge $17.99. There are also cheaper versions like that of Namecheap.


● Shared Hosting

Through shared hosting, it means sharing thousands of small and medium projects that don’t get much traffic each month. This time of service platform has multiple clients, under the same server name, just like living under the same house.

The platform you should get most likely is this one and their price varies from $8.95 to $16.95.


● WordPress Hosting

If you are looking for a shared hosting platform well optimized with WordPress, the price of one site is $12.95. This might vary up to $81.95 each month.

 Although there are a few alternatives to WordPress like SiteGround. There are even cheaper versions of WordPress hostings as well.



VPS is also known as Virtual Private Server. This is a shared hosting server, it is divided into different smaller sub-servers that use specific software configurations.

This VPS is good for various small or medium sites that need particular server configurations. The VPS plans available in HostGator cost $80 per month.


● Dedicated Server

If your project gets about thousands of visitors per month, then you need a powerful server with a dedicated server. Then you have your own server and don’t have to share with anyone.

In HostGator, you are able to get your own dedicated server, only at the cost of $190 per month.


● Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting can be a network of connected servers, means your website not only is hosted on one server but several. The resources are able to add or subtract according to your need. For cloud hosting, HostGator charges about $10.95 per month.


● Website Builder

HostGator offers a feature of website builder known as Gator. You can create your own website through this feature very easily, no other technical knowledge is required.

Even though this is not the only site builder present with different prices, Gator is still under development. Read more: Istana Green World


HostGator Price Review

If you know about HostGator, then you know the number one reason for using HostGator is that it’s really cheap. This is one of the USPs of HostGator for its customers. Also read: HostGator Reviews

Even if you sacrifice on the support and performance scale, then you can easily get a good cheaper version platform. You can easily work properly if your site is experiencing low traffic.

HostGator has several cost plans:

  • Three Months
  • Six Months
  • One Year
  • Two Years
  • Three Years

If you get the three year plan at once, you will get the highest price once you pay monthly.


HostGator Pros And Cons

As we know, like most platforms, there are a few positives and negatives of HostGator as well. Let’s see the Pros and Cons of HostGator.



  • HostGator is a cheap platform, you won’t find a cheaper platform than this.
  • You will get a free domain in your first year
  • You will get endless resources on most of the plans- which includes websites, bandwidth that are unmetered, and also storage.
  • Here is also a 45-day money-back policy, this gives you enough time to test out the platform.
  • Here you get cPanel access, whereas most big hosts and platforms have removed the cPanel.
  • You can create unlimited email accounts here.
  • You can pay on a monthly basis, which most costs don’t allow.
  • HostGator offers heavy traffic performance on low-traffic sites.



  • The HostGator’s performances tend to struggle under the scale. Hence, for your high-traffic sites, you should choose a better performance.
  • HostGator’s support system is highly mediocre. But if want top-notch support, then you should pay a better host.
  • HostGator tries to upsell extra cheap plans, which are a bit annoying and irritating.


Why Should You Use HostGator?

Whether you use HostGator or not depends totally on what you are looking for. Then let’s know why you should use HostGator or not.


Why Use HostGator?

HostGator is a good option if you are searching for a budget-friendly hosting server. The prices that HostGator provides are definitely the cheapest among all the web hosts in the market.

This is more effective when you are looking for cloud plans, as most servers charge a lot for cloud plans. Another price advantage for HostGator is that you pay monthly to avoid any upfront charges. 


Why Not Use Hostgator?

HostGator is not the best option if you are looking for server support. If you prioritize server support, then you would like to find a more efficient option, that handles heavy site traffic.

There are more efficient hosting servers that are more effective are,

  • InMotion Hosting
  • Kinsta
  • WP Engine
  • Cloudways



Even though HostGator is not the best hosting server, it is not the most efficient or best hosting server. But it is a great option if you are looking for a cost effective hosting server.

Here, through HostGator, you can get endless features through which you get a lot of amazing services at a very low cost. The costs are cheaper than most servers as well.