5 Methods to Make Money Without Leaving Your Home

5 Methods to Make Money Without Leaving Your Home

Making money online has never been easy, which is great for someone who wishes to improve their income.  Even before the pandemic, many people were creating side hustles or long-term projects with the idea of improving their financial situation. During and after the pandemic, the switch to carry out work on the internet increased even more. 

If you are someone who is eager to learn about potential ways to make money without leaving your home, do not look further than this article. The methods mentioned below will give you plenty of ideas. 

And before you delve into it, remember that just because your first attempt is unsuccessful, it does not mean that you should give up. No, persist and try again until you find an idea that works and suits you. Finally, do not treat failure as something negative. It is a valuable experience that should not be underestimated.


Print on Demand

Let’s start with a print on demand. The popularity of custom merchandise is not something new, but this trend seems to be gaining more momentum each year.

People are interested in expressing themselves via t-shirts, hoodies, and, most recently, face masks. Clothes are one of those things we pay a lot of attention to, and if someone is wearing a t-shirt with a politician or a brand they support, we can get a general idea about that person.

Of course, there is also a more gimmicky side to it. Custom mugs with goofy designs or words are a good example.

So, what should you do to start a print on demand business? Well, for starters, you need to figure out a niche. Something that is trending but not too competitive. 

Focusing on a specific and narrow niche also helps avoid competition. For instance, instead of creating football-related merchandise, you could focus on a specific club or even a supporter group from a specific part of the world.

Deciding on the type of merchandise is also important. It is no secret that many beginners go for t-shirts. One can even find free t shirt designs, though coming up with your own ideas or hiring a professional designer is definitely something to consider for the future.

Because print on demand follows the dropshipping business model, you do not need to invest in manufacturing equipment, nor is it necessary to worry about logistics. No, instead, your focus is on customer service and marketing.

The start can be rough (but that applies to pretty much any idea that beginners would consider), but once things pick up, you can look to scale the business by adding more product categories and new designs. 


Online Surveys

For those who are interested in making a quick buck without putting too much effort into the whole thing, there is hardly any better idea than online surveys.

You pick from one of the available services that payout respondents and spend time filling out surveys. On average, a person takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete one such survey. Of course, there are exceptions, as certain surveys can be longer or shorter. 

Now, for the money, not all services pay straight up in cash. Instead, they might offer a gift card or a coupon, which, while not being actual money, still works as a means to improve your financial situation.

One last thing to note is that you have a limited number of available surveys. In other words, this is not really something you can turn into a full-time job. At best, you might be able to spend an hour or two every day, which is still great for someone who has a little time to dedicate to earning extra.

Pro tip: If you are filling out surveys on a smartphone or tablet and run out, switching to a desktop computer might yield more options because some services offer different services for different devices.


Virtual Assistants

Quite a few people have more tasks than they can manage, and it makes sense to look for help because there is not enough time in the day. This is especially true one you have to take care of monotonous jobs, like data entry or online research.

So long as the work is not too difficult, it can be given to someone else—a virtual assistant. Even if you do not have a specific set of skills, you can still work as a VA so long as you can carry out simple tasks.

Of course, you should not be too static. Learning new skills is a good way to find better opportunities that pay more. You can also expect things to get better if you gain the trust of your employer. 

Some virtual assistants start for as little as 2 or 3 dollars an hour and move up the ladder. Thus, if you like it, you can also consider doing the same.

To find VA gigs, you should start by looking up available options on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Various social media groups on LinkedIn and Facebook also offer similar opportunities.


Social Media Management

Social media management is not as simple as it might appear. Those brand and celebrity posts are content created by a third-party agency. 

If you are someone who has creativity, knows the ins and outs of a specific industry, understands social media, and has experience growing pages and attracting engagement, then managing social media profiles is the way to go.

In case you do not possess these skills, you can learn them. Investing in social media and learning about it is a smart decision. Why? Because social media platforms are not going anywhere. If anything, they are growing in user base, and it means more opportunities for brands to raise awareness and make money.

On the off chance that you are not willing to work on a brand’s social media content and would rather try to build a page from scratch yourself, do not hesitate and give it a try.



One might argue that blogging is a saturated niche because there are too many blogs on the internet already.

There is truth in the statement, but newcomers can make themselves distinguishable by creating and publishing interesting content. 

Despite the fact that blogging is popular, most of the sites are mediocre or worse than that. As such, if you plan to start a blog, you need to emphasize quality. Otherwise, it will be another failed attempt with nothing to show for the effort you put into it.

If the articles are interesting and you attract readers, then you can expect to monetize the site by:

  • Running ads
  • Adding affiliate links
  • Selling digital products
  • Creating a crowdfunding page
  • Selling guest posts opportunities


Do not expect that a blog will make you money right away. It takes a while to build the site, add enough content, optimize it for search engines, and attract enough relevant traffic that the blog starts to bring profit. But like with other ideas, it is expected that you need patience.