What Is DA and 6 Easy Ways to Increase Domain Authority!

What is DA and how to increase DA

If you are into SEO then you must have heard about the term Domain Authority. Most of us just check it by value and proceed further. But if you are really interested in knowing the true meanings and some simple ways to increase it, then this article is for you. Here we are discussing what is Domain Authority and some easy ways to increase Domain Authority.

If we go back to previous times, we will remember the websites were given weightage based on their ranking on search engines. This was the only criteria used until Moz came up with the term DA that we will discuss in detail right here.


Domain Authority (DA): An Introduction

Domain Authority is a metric initially created by Moz to indicate the authority of the site. It is measured between 0 and 100. If the number is high then there are greater chances of your site to rank higher in search engine result pages. This certainly means the organic traffic on the site will grow. After Moz, even other software have developed similar metrics to rank domains.

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Do not consider this the only criterion for ranking your site’s article. We have seen domains with low Domain Authority perform well too. In such cases, the other SEO related metrics were mastered. However, the Domain Authority works as a support to your site and is definitely an advantage. Consider it as a competitive metric and try to increase your Domain’s authority to gain full advantage of it.

Domain authority is influenced by various criteria. It includes the number of sites pointing to your site, the number of high ranking sites pointing to your site, spam links, do follow and no follow links and more. If you search online for the domain authority checkers you will come across multiple of them. You can either go for the originator like Moz or the new ones like Ubersuggest that offer quite a lot of information.


Increase Domain Authority Easily By Using These 6 Tips


#1: Beginners Begin with Good Domain Name

If you are planning to start your own blog then buy a domain that is relevant to the area of interest you are planning to post about. If the site’s name is related then the user will immediately understand the site’s focus.

In fact, use domain names that are easy to remember so that the chances of user revisiting your site increases. If you already own a domain then don’t worry there are multiple other factors you can work upon for best results.


#2: Off-Page SEO Should Be Strong

The amount of time you spend on off-page SEO strategies is going to directly implement your site’s Domain Authority. Start link building and try to gain links from high authority websites. It will improve your site’s profile. You can either choose a free link building option or use a paid one.

Also, don’t blindly perform the link building task. Instead of increasing the number of backlinks from irrelevant site try to build links that are unique and more relevant to your website.

Once your site grows a bit, other websites will link back to your website. Keep a track of these sites. If the links are bad, remove them as soon as possible.


#3: Internal Linking Structure Plays an Important Role

Multiple websites do not pay attention to the internal links so you can use it as an advantage over them. If the user visits your website make sure there is relevant content on your site that may interest him or her. So the user will stay on your website for a longer time. You can either mark them separately by changing their font or use them in-between content with an anchor text like “read more”. Try both the ways and see which one is of more benefit to your website.


#4: Improve On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is not limited to just posting content and interlinking articles there is much more to it. There are minute details that are often skipped by people. Write interesting and catchy titles and meta descriptions to drive more traffic on your website.

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Use the headings H!, H2, and more as and when needed. The URL should consist of the focus keyword and use the focus and related keywords multiple times in your article.

Make sure the content is readable and interesting. High quality and useful content are always ranked higher than poor quality content. This will increase domain authority.


#5: Improve your website’s loading time

The bounce rates and exit rates are one of the criteria to know whether your readers are liking your website.

If your site is taking more time to load it is obvious the user will exit your site and never come back. So don’t overlook such minute details. Keep a check on your site’s loading time using different tools. Try to optimize the images and look for factors that are affecting it. Here is a free tool that can give you your website’s speed instantly.


#6: Social Media Marketing Has A Deep Influence

If you have ever checked any website’s Domain Authority you might have seen the column that shows user visits from social media platforms. It is definitely a key factor in ranking your site.

Social media has a high reach with its growing popularity. Even the search engines push the ranking of the site that is driving more traffic from Facebook, Instagram, or any other website. If your website excels in these platforms you will see a spike in your Domain’s authority and ranking.



Here, we have shared some of the key factors that will greatly influence the ranking of your website. These factors are definitely going to help you in boosting the Domain Authority. We strongly believe Domain Authority is an important factor but it is not the only factor you must rely on.

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Check the traffic updates on your website and judge based on your experience. If you will continuously work on the factors mentioned above we are sure you will reach your desired goal. This takes time so don’t expect a sudden rise in DA. Your competitors have worked day and night to reach that level so keep patience and work hard for the best results.

We have shared the major factors that can increase domain authority and if you feel we have missed out on any then send your feedback to us. It would be our pleasure to know from our readers what they think about it.