YouTube Short Strategies To Go Viral

YouTube Short Strategies To Go Viral

Youtube has been one of the most popular and influential search engines in today’s time with over 122 million active users in the world. Besides this, 1 billion hours of content is watched regularly every day. All these metrics are crazy, right? Well, Youtube shorts has a huge part to play in it which has become the next big thing with youtube and the easiest way to go viral and grow your channel faster on youtube. Since its release in September 2020, YouTube shorts has been gaining exponential growth in viewership while YouTube is still trying to understand what and how people watch shorts on YouTube. This makes out a huge opportunity for small creators to grow their channels easier and faster. While it all seems like a fairy tale, the question that arises in mind is – what strategies should you follow to go viral in 2023? All your doubts will be catered to as we explain everything you need to know about the topic.


How Does The YouTube Shorts Algorithm Work?

Before jumping to the strategies you must follow to go viral with Youtube shorts, it is vital to understand how the algorithm works on YouTube shorts. The common misconception that all the creators have is the algorithm for the content. Well, that statement is false. The algorithm that promotes is not created to cater to the content but to cater to the audience. Therefore, the algorithm works in a way that it can promote the right content to the viewer to keep him/her on the platform as long as possible. To do so, the youtube algorithm analysis the behavior of the user on the platform based on the following factors:

Watch History

Watch History is the list of the content on YouTube that the user has watched in the previous time based on which the interest of the user is determined and hence matching shorts are then promoted to the user. Note that if you watch content on Instagram Advertising for some time, similar types of content and shorts will be promoted on your feed and suggestions.


Subscriptions refer to the type of channels that has been followed by the viewer. This helps the youtube shorts algorithms to understand the types of channels the user follows and what channels are followed by the user more. With this, the algorithm can promote the content of the channels that will bring more watch time from the viewer to Youtube.

Similar Videos

Similar Videos are another factor that affects the algorithm a lot which refers to the type of content on the platform that is relative to the type of content that the user watches.

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This helps Youtube to provide the viewer with diversity in the niche he likes to follow.


All Youtube Shorts Strategies

Now that you are well aware of how the algorithm works, it is time to implement strategies that will help you hack the youtube algorithm to promote your content more to the viewers.

Create Viewer-Centric Vides

After understanding that the YouTube Algorithm is pro-viewer and not pro-creator, the first and foremost step to take is, to create shorts that viewers want to watch. For this, you need to understand the behavior of your viewers and what type of content they watch. Take a one-day journey as your viewer on YouTube and understand what type of content they would watch. Also note to keep the videos concise, crisp, and digestible since people wish to watch a short because it is short.

Loop your shorts

Looping your short is one of the best ways to bring more view duration to your short since that matters the most when pushing the video on YouTube. A loop effect will have the same start and end which will keep the user unaware of the end and trick him into watching your shot multiple times.

Use Trending Music

Using the trending music audio from the youtube shelf and suggestions is one trick you can use to gain more views which will help you boost the video more to the audience that has listened to the song and watched content related to your niche.

Use Intriguing Titles

Despite the fact that most of the viewership in a short comes from a short feed, it is very vital to keep the title of the video intriguing which keeps the viewer curious about the title making him watch the short. You can make it even better by generating curiosity at the beginning of the short by asking a question or giving a bold statement that clicks.

Use Hashtags

Hashtags and tags play a very important role in making your short go viral. You need to use the right hashtag and tags that match your niche and are popular among viewers on the platform. While youtube allows users to use up to 60 hashtags on their videos, it is recommended to use 4-5 hashtags for good results. It is highly recommended to keep switching between three very popular hashtags in your shorts – #short #shorts #viral since they cater to a larger audience.

Post At The Righ Time

This one tip matters the most when it comes to youtube shorts, unlike in the past. While earlier the posting time of a shorter didn’t matter, the algorithm has changed that now. At present, it is very important to keep the regularity alive and post the shorts at right time. To do so, you need to understand the behavior of your target audience on the platform and specifically the time at which they are online the most. With this in mind, you should post your videos 15 to 30 minutes before they log into the platform. To see this, you can refer to the analytics of your channel on Youtube studio or analyze the time your shorts usually earn the maximum views.

Encourage Engagement

Engagement is the key to success on YouTube, The more viewers engage with your content, the more the video will be promoted and the better it will be for your channel to grow. Rather than focusing on increasing subscribers, it is vital to create the type of content where people will like to leave their viewpoints in the comments or agree/disagree with you on the like or dislike button. If your video gets more engagement, your short will be pushed out to more audiences.

Keep Track On Your Analytics

A channel that adapts is the channel that grows. You need to understand the basic fundament that things aren’t uniform with anything these days. Things keep changing and similar is the case with the audience. To grow your channel better and get more views, you regularly need to analyze your channel analytics and understand how your videos perform and how you can make them better for viewers to watch them more. You can do this with the help of every single feature that Youtube studio provides. A pro tip is that you should keep your focus on improving audience retention, CTR, and average view duration on your shorts.



At this point in the blog, you are well prepared to create shorts that might go viral. If you implement all the discussed points in the right way, nothing can stop your shorts from reaching the maximum audience. While it is easy to make your channel viral with youtube shorts, do not forget to implement all the tips in the right way and stay patient because remember despite anything, youtube shorts is not an overnight success recipe. It requires time and patience as well.